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We've collected our most frequently asked question here. The answer is just a click away.

What languages do you support?

English, German, Finnish, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Russian, Latvian, Spanish, Polish and Ukrainian.

Can the platform be used on a tablet?

Yes, Skillhabit works on all sizes of devices.

Can the colour scheme, logo and font be changed?

Yes, you have the option to customize your workspace.

What elements can be used when building courses?

Our library of elements is continuously updated with new elements.. We currently support text, text with image, image, slideshow, hotspot, video, audio, files, single answer questions, multiple answer questions and reflection questions, etc.

Are you GDPR compliant?

Yes, all data stored with us is stored within the EU and/or subcontractors that are operated entirely within the EU.

Are you mobile friendly?

Yes, Skillhabit is built based on mobile-first.

Can courses be imported?

Yes, it's possible to import SCORM packages with version 1.2 and 2004.